Staying Safer 1&2:

Nonviolent Communication & De-escalation

This two-part self-defense training is for adults who want to learn nonviolent communication (NVC) and de-escalation strategies, particularly when addressing violence and tension in the home. Participants have an opportunity to examine common communication practices that fuel conflict across power dynamics.

Part 1 focuses on verbal strategies and considerations. Part 2 offers strategies in case the situation escalates to a physical altercation. Participants must complete part 1 before advancing to part 2.

Participants learn:

Part 1: Staying Safer: Decreasing Tension in Our Homes

-Self-defense circle

-NVC tools and scenarios

-Levels of danger and threat

-De-escalation strategies and scenarios

-Boundary setting

-Safety stance


Part 2: Staying Safer: Addressing Violence in Our Homes

-Self Defense Circle, Review of Part 1

-Situational awareness

-Fundamental blocks and strikes

-Primary and secondary targets

-Everyday objects for self-defense
